Our Mission, Purpose, and Core Values

We are many nations, two congregations, one church: Broadmoor.

At Broadmoor, we believe that the message of the Bible is good news with Jesus as its central theme. The Bible tells us what we need to know and do to please God and share this good news with the world around us. This truth provides the foundation for our mission, purpose, and core values.

Our Mission

To seek the well-being of Richmond and beyond.

Our Purpose

Empowered and gifted by the Holy Spirit, we will make disciples in the Name of Jesus Christ, equipping one another to minister in the church and community – all to the glory of God.

Our Core Values

At Broadmoor, our ministry centers around 6 core values:

1. Christ – Centered Worship. We value a rich blend of evangelical tradition and observation of the liturgical church calendar. We value a “come as you are” approach as well.

2. Relationships. Broadmoor is a place where people are accepted in a genuine and authentic manner that allows openness and trust to develop. We value people, and so we value relationships with one another as a high priority and work at providing opportunities for people to develop healthy relationships with God and one another.

3. Journey. In a welcoming and hospitable way, we accept the imperfections of each other and see the value of each person’s worth to God and to Broadmoor. No one should ever be excluded from experiencing the love of God, and we welcome and invite others to join us in the journey of experiencing that love.

4. Missional. We are deeply committed to being on mission with God both locally and globally. We support mission in Richmond and beyond through prayer and practical involvement.

5. Grace. We are a church where grace is preached, practiced and given in abundance.

6. Interdependence. The church is a body made up of many parts; we need one another to fulfill our mission and ministry.