About Us

Welcome and thank you for accessing our website.

Broadmoor Baptist Church (BBC) is a community of faith continually searching for a full and intimate experience of being followers of Jesus. But don’t let the word “Baptist” throw you off. While we are unapologetic about our faith tradition, the fact is we are made up of people from every denominational background. While we agree on the basic teachings of the Christian faith, you will find us to be a community that welcomes people with differing viewpoints and perspectives as part of our family.

Our worship reflects different traditions and expressions of worship and we seek to be challenged each week to stretch ourselves in not only searching out the answers, but in asking thought-provoking questions.

We are a multicultural community that is growing together in our love of God and one another. We have programs for children, youth and young adults. We have a summer urban camp program that welcomes children from the community that runs in July and August. And we reach out to the immigrants of our community through a large ELL program that has both fall and winter semesters and other community building activities. Running simultaneous with our English speaking service is a Mandarin service.

Wherever you are on the journey, you are welcome to journey with us.